about Us

God has given us a wonderful life. We are better off than many others and to realize the difference we have to simply look at the less privileged and downtrodden people and their living conditions. Then we will know where we really are. Let us express our thanks to God by extending all possible help and support to our fellow beings in whatever small manner we can. It will definitely change the lives and living conditions of the less privileged and poor people.

Do you want to help and celebrate your important days of your life with under privileged people in a noble way? You may contribute at least one week in advance for the birthday of your dear ones, wedding anniversary, Shashtipoorthi, Sapthathi, Remembrance Day or for any important or auspicious day or occasion. The contribution may start from as low as Rs. 1,000/- to any amount and make it online and we will send you the official receipt. We will feed orphans, under privileged people, destitute women, girls, widows, old age people or spend the money to needy people as per your wish.

Please send us the contribution details by email to malayalamfoundation@gmail.com

For donation:





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